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Liebert MPX-E Adaptive Rack PDU

MPX is the most responsive and adaptive rack PDU available. With MPX rack PDU technology, you can respond to rack equipment changes and dynamic capacities by leveraging hot-swappable modular output power, hot-swappable modular communications and modular input power. The MPX-E provides basic power distribution without measurement and control. An upgrade to modular power distribution with measurement on the input is available by adding the appropriate output modules.

Broschüre anfordern
Anmelden, um für spätere Verwendung zu speichern
Am besten geeignet für::
  • Banking, Financial and Insurance
  • Chemical/Petrochemical (excl. Oil & Gas)
  • Data Center/Colocation/Hosting
  • Government
  • Healthcare
  • Manufacturing
  • Military, Defense, Aerospace and Missile
  • Oil and Gas
  • Retail and Wholesale
  • Telecom
  • Transportation
Garantie: 2 years; Extended Warranties Available
Tools & Selectors
Hier gelangen Sie zu den Ausschreibungstexten


Designed for High Availability
Designed specifically to accommodate higher power densities and be resistant to higher temperatures.
Energy metering provides users the information to maximize data center power and cooling infrastructure.
Allows user to add individual hot-swappable output power modules for capacity as demand grows.
Offers the ability to change input capacity or configuration while maintaining Rack PDU infrastructure.
Designed to Enhance Energy Efficiency and Capacity Management
Flexibility to respond to constant change—redeploy modules to suit changing needs.
Adaptive capacity, distribution, monitoring, control and management of critical devices.
Scalable design that allows onsite configuration to fit immediate IT equipment needs.
Provides a wide selection of single phase and three-phase power input configurations—with the ability to field change while maintaining distribution infrastructure.
Employs energy efficient receptacle control technology.
Expanded branch overload protection minimizes threat of cascading PDU overload.
Designed to Improve Business Resiliency and Agility:
Provides for local or remote monitoring and management of connected loads.
Easily integrate with existing network and security architectures, as well as higher level management software – allowing you to operate at peak velocity.
Preemptive notifications before problems occur.
Allows user to shut down non-essential equipment during power outages to maximize availability and back-up power.
Provides a compatible monitoring platform for MPH, offering seamless common operation if deployed together.
Designed to Reduce Deployment Time and Expenses:
Allows real-time, highly precise metering and management – and the lowest energy consumption in the industry for rack PDUs.
Provides the most cost-effective design available—build, add on, or modify the platform design.
Allows redeployment of modules to suit changing needs.
Rack PDUs may be pre-installed.


Modular input power
Hot Swappable output power
Receptacles & modules
Monitors at branch level
Controls at equipment level
Offers single-phase and three-phase models

Ansprechpartner in Ihrer Nähe finden

Ansprechpartner Produktsupport

Ansprechpartner anzeigen für Ohio, 43215, USA Änderung
Geist Support - Americas (Rack PDU and Watchdog)
+1 888 630 4445
1777 Yolande Avenue Lincoln Nebraska USA
Produkt-Schwerpunkte: Stromverteilung, Überwachung
Vertiv (Customer Service for DC Power Systems & Outdoor Enclosures)
+1 800 800 1280
Produkt-Schwerpunkte: Gleichstromsysteme, Stromverteilung, Gehäuse für den Außenbereich
Vertiv (Liebert Services)
+1 800 543 2378
610 Executive Campus Drive Westerville Ohio 43082 USA
Produkt-Schwerpunkte: Geräte für unterbrechungsfreie Stromversorgung (USV), Stromverteilung, Thermal Management, Integrierte Lösungen, Schränke und Einhausungen

Sprache & Standort