Liebert DCW Water-based Cooling Modules and Racks, 35kW
The Liebert DCW cooling system includes the Liebert DCD fanless chilled water door and the Liebert DCP Coolant Pumping Unit to supply chilled water to high density racks. The modules offer an alternative heat removal solution to critical applications where the hot aisle/cold aisle approach to cooling is not practical.
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- Banking, Financial and Insurance
- Data Center/Colocation/Hosting
- Education
- Government
- Healthcare
- Retail and Wholesale
Liebert DCW Water-based Cooling Modules and Racks, 35kW
The Liebert DCW cooling system includes the Liebert DCD fanless chilled water door and the Liebert DCP Coolant Pumping Unit to supply chilled water to high density racks. The modules offer an alternative heat removal solution to critical applications where the hot aisle/cold aisle approach to cooling is not practical.
- Banking, Financial and Insurance
- Data Center/Colocation/Hosting
- Education
- Government
- Healthcare
- Retail and Wholesale
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