5G: The Risks and Rewards for Operators
How to Avoid the Pitfalls and Deliver on the Promise
To clearly understand the upsides and downsides of delivering 5G infrastructure, Vertiv partnered with 451 Research to get operators’ insights on implementing 5G and edge computing. More than 100 telecom operator tech decision makers worldwide outlined which enabling technologies and services will most affect their 5G success over the next decade.
Below, replay the webinar and learn more from our subject matter experts, watch the video of the research highlights with Brian Partridge from 451, and download the paper to read the results of the research.
Research Paper: Telecom Operators' Hopes and Fears for 5G and Multi-Access Edge Computing Transformation
In-depth research from 105 global telecom operators conducted and curated by 451 Research. This 25-page report is the most current report on the immediate challenges and initiatives being faced and addressed by operators.

Webinar: Telco Industry’s Hopes and Fears for 5G
With 5G fast becoming a reality, challenges lie ahead for telecom operators. To better understand these challenges as well as the infrastructure needed to support 5G, Vertiv partnered with 451 Research to get telecom operators’ insights on implementing 5G and edge computing. Danny Wong, Vertiv’s Senior Director for Telecoms in Asia, and Brian Partridge from 451 Research, discussed the survey findings and what operators can do for a successful 5G implementation.
This webinar includes insights on:
- How are your peers and competitors in Asia and the world preparing for 5G?
- How will energy costs increase and how can they be controlled?
- The interplay between 5G and edge computing

Video of Research Highlights
Brian Partridge, Vice President of Applied Infrastructure and DevOps Channel at 451 Research, shares topline research finds:
- The most surprising results of the research
- The most pressing 5G installation challenges
- How to ensure 5G and edge deployment success