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Automotive Parts Headquarters Utilizes Liebert UPS to Assure Continuous Availability of Critical IT Systems


Automotive Parts Headquarters, Inc. (APH) is a privately-held, family-owned company with a rich history. The company’s stores serve professional service dealers and installers, industrial and agricultural customers, fleets, and retail customers with automotive aftermarket parts and related products. To enable this service, APH depends on cost-effective automation and computerization within their supply chain. This, in turn, demands that reliable power is continually delivered to the business systems.


  • Improved IT availability.
  • Easy to use intelligent control interface reduced chance of human error.
  • Greater UPS efficiency reduced room heat, lowering cooling costs and utility costs.
  • Smaller footprint provided better use of space.
  • Reduced costs of operation and service from legacy unit.


Case Summary
Location:​ St. Cloud, Minnesota, United States.
Critical Need: The weather in the Upper Midwest can be rather unforgiving. In times past, that had affected APH’s ability to process customer orders and receive supplier shipments as planned. They wondered whether the outdated UPS system, which was both costly to operate and not as dependable as required, would continue to meet their needs. "We've seen too many spring and summer storms knock out our power. It appears the weather is becoming less predictable," stated Greg Jendro, IT Manager at APH. "We needed to be proactive and upgrade our power protection," he added.
Vertiv Solution: Liebert eXM Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) with Internal Batteries, Optimized Maintenance Bypass

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