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Albér DMA35 Series Digital Storage Battery Hydrometers

The DMA35 is a handheld, stand-alone digital density meter suitable for use in demanding industrial environments.

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Particolarmente adatto per:
  • Data Center/Colocation/Hosting
  • Government
  • Nuclear Power
  • Power Generation
  • Power/Gas Transmission and Distribution
  • Telecom
Garanzia: One year limited warranty against defects in material and workmanship


List of benefits for the continuous battery monitoring of the Alber Cellcorder CRT-400
Accurate, handheld, digital density meter suitable for use in demanding industrial environments.
Measure and record Specific Gravity Units and Temperature in less than 5 seconds
Automatically compensates the specific gravity for fluid temperature.
Designed to be used on all manufacturers “wet” cells through corner withdrawal tubes or vent caps.


The three steps of battery monitoring automation, enabled by the Alber Cellcorder CRT-400 cell resistance tester
Serial as well as Infrared data transfer to PC or Cellcorder for consolidation of test data
The DMA35 with data logging interface stores up to eight strings of readings (256 readings perstring) of specific gravity and acid temperature and download s formatted data to a Cellcorder or a PC for use with the Alber Battery Analysis Software
Measure and record SGU/Temp in less than 5 seconds.
One hand operation - physical dimensions, 5.5” x 5.4” x 1” and weight of only 13 ounces.
Automatically compensates the specific gravity for fluid temperature.
Splash proof membrane keypad.
If required, all moving parts are field replaceable by the user in 5 seconds.
Can be used on all manufacturers "wet" cells through corner withdrawal tubes or vent caps. 

The DMA35CRT includes a CRT module used for data transfer to a PC or an Alber Cellcorder. It includes both an infrared interface for communication with the new CRT400 and CRT300 Cellcorders and a serial interface for a PC or the CLC200. PC software is included with this model.

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Contatti di supporto prodotti

Visualizzazione dei contatti per Ohio, 43215, USA Cambia
Geist Support - Americas (Rack PDU and Watchdog)
+1 888 630 4445
1777 Yolande Avenue Lincoln Nebraska USA
Aree prodotti di interesse: Distribuzione dell'alimentazione, Monitoraggio
Vertiv (Customer Service for Albér Products)
+1 954 377 7101
7775 West Oakland Park Blvd Sunrise Florida 33351 USA
Aree prodotti di interesse: Monitoraggio
Vertiv (Technical Support for Albér Products)
+1 800 543 2378
610 Executive Campus Drive Westerville Ohio 43082 USA
Aree prodotti di interesse: Monitoraggio
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