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Famiglia di prodotti

Vertiv Geist Environmental Monitors

Environmental factors like heat, humidity and moisture pose a severe threat to mission-critical infrastructure. These dangers can be minimized by incorporating an environmental monitoring solution to collect data and alert users of potential threats. Vertiv Geist Environmental Monitors allow users to securely observe conditions and receive alerts when user defined thresholds are breached.

Per vedere i download specifici per modello, è necessario andare nella pagina del prodotto di interesse selezionando il nome del modello nella scheda delle specifiche sopra.

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Contatti di supporto prodotti

Visualizzazione dei contatti per Ohio, 43215, USA Cambia
Geist Support - Americas (Rack PDU and Watchdog)
+1 888 630 4445
1777 Yolande Avenue Lincoln Nebraska USA
Aree prodotti di interesse: Distribuzione dell'alimentazione, Monitoraggio
Vertiv (Customer Service for Albér Products)
+1 954 377 7101
7775 West Oakland Park Blvd Sunrise Florida 33351 USA
Aree prodotti di interesse: Monitoraggio
Vertiv (Technical Support for Albér Products)
+1 800 543 2378
610 Executive Campus Drive Westerville Ohio 43082 USA
Aree prodotti di interesse: Monitoraggio

Domande più frequenti

Why do I have an alarm showing tripped even though the current value is below the threshold?
Each alarm has a 1-unit hysteresis built-in to help limit nuisance alarms. This means that a value must change by 1 unit before the alarm will clear. For example, if there is a temperature alarm set with a high trip of 75F, the value must fall below 74F before the alarm will actually clear. A clear delay will need to be set and configured on the that alarm.
How can I re-order the sensor OIDs on a Watchdog device?
To change the order in which sensors are mapped to an OID the user will need to unplug all sensors from the device and wait 1-2 minutes until they show unplugged on the web interface (will read unavailable at first). After they show unplugged, check the "remove all unplugged devices" box and then click the save changes button. After a couple minutes they can begin reconnecting sensors in the order you would like them in.
My Watchdog 15 is showing a higher temperature than what my thermostat is showing.
In still air environments the onboard sensor is susceptible to higher temperature readings due to circuit board heating. With that, air temperatures in a room are rarely, if ever, uniform throughout the space, due to convection currents, relative proximity to sources of heat and cold air, and other thermal effects. Our Watchdog products have an internal temperature offset that you can adjust to compensate for board heating. This is found by selecting the Configuration Wrench in Sensors-Overview.
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