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Trellis™ Quick Start Solutions

Each solution package is all inclusive and designed to meet your specific business need. It offers low-risk entry point to DCIM software with options to scale. Having a more streamlined and simplified process enables faster user adoption, implementation and ROI.

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Particolarmente adatto per:
  • Banking, Financial and Insurance
  • Education
  • Government
  • Healthcare
  • Retail and Wholesale
  • Transportation

Four offerings: Trellis Asset Management Solution Trellis Capacity Planning Solution Trellis Data Center Monitoring Solution Trellis Energy Management Solution

Panoramica delle specifiche del modello
Trellis™ Platform Energy Manager Solution
Packaged Quick Start Offering that Manages Power and Energy Issues   Front Machine - Intel® Xeon® 2.6 GHz 8M L3 cache; Back Machine Intel® Xeon® 2.6 GHz 8M L3 cache   Microsoft® Windows® Server 2012 R2; Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® version 6.7,6.10 or 7.3; CentOS 7.4   Google Chrome™ version 63.0 and higher; Microsoft Edge 42.17134.1.0 and higher.   5.0.3  
Trellis™­ Platform Thermal Manager Solution
Packaged Quick Start Offering for Managing the Data Center Environment   Front Machine - Intel® Xeon® 2.6 GHz 8M L3 cache; Back Machine Intel® Xeon® 2.6 GHz 8M L3 cache   Microsoft® Windows® Server 2012 R2; Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® version 6.7,6.10 or 7.3; CentOS 7.4   Google Chrome™ version 63.0 and higher; Microsoft Edge 42.17134.1.0 and higher.   5.0.3  
Trellis™ Platform Capacity Planning Solution
Packaged Quick Start Offering for Managing and Tracking Assets   Front Machine - Intel® Xeon® 2.6 GHz 8M L3 cache; Back Machine Intel® Xeon® 2.6 GHz 8M L3 cache   Microsoft® Windows® Server 2012 R2; Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® version 6.7,6.10 or 7.3; CentOS 7.4   Google Chrome™ version 63.0 and higher; Microsoft Edge 42.17134.1.0 and higher.   5.0.3  
Trellis™ Platform Data Center Monitoring Solution
Packaged Quick Start Offering for Monitoring the Critical Infrastructure   Front Machine - Intel® Xeon® 2.6 GHz 8M L3 cache; Back Machine Intel® Xeon® 2.6 GHz 8M L3 cache   Microsoft® Windows® Server 2012 R2; Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® version 6.7,6.10 or 7.3; CentOS 7.4   Google Chrome™ version 63.0 and higher; Microsoft Edge 42.17134.1.0 and higher.   5.0.3  


Provide a low risk entry point for particular data center operating needs
Quick Implementation
Streamlined and simplified buying process with a single SKU Include both product and ser vices in the offering
Enable accelerated user adoption and ROI for our customers
Provide the ability to scale into other solutions 


These offerings are a low cost solution package that includes:
Software licensing
Implementation ser vices
Product knowledge transfer
Value training specific to the customer’s business needs

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Contatti di supporto prodotti

Visualizzazione dei contatti per Ohio, 43215, USA Cambia
Vertiv Monitoring Software (Power Assist, Power Insight and MSP Control Center)
+1 800 222 5877, option 2
Ohio USA
Aree prodotti di interesse: Software
Vertiv Software Support (Environet Alert and Geist NIC cards)
+1 800 222 5877, option 7
Ohio USA
Aree prodotti di interesse: Software

Domande più frequenti

What are the Trellis Quick Start Offerings?
These offerings are a low cost solution package that includes: Software licensing Implementation services Product knowledge transfer Value Training specific to the customer's business needs Maintenance
How many offerings are there?
There are four prepackaged distinct solutions that meet a particular need for our customers. These four include: Data Center Monitoring Capacity Planning Energy Management Thermal Management
How do these offerings differ from the Trellis Enterprise solution?
These product offerings differ in that each of these four solutions provide the customer with the necessary software, hardware, services and training at a low cost point and is quickly implemented.
How are these offerings priced?
Each of these offerings is priced according to the number of floor mounted devices (FMDs), necessary hardware and software, Professional Services, training, and 1 year Silver maintenance.
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