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Want to learn more? Visit our Healthcare page

Technology is rapidly transforming healthcare and playing a significant role in improving personal health. Find out how Vertiv Solutions Help Support Healthcare Applications

  • Robust power backup in the case of unexpected power outages
  • Extended UPS service life and battery run time
  • Simplified installation, management, and maintenance
  • Ensuring crystal clear images is a top priority by maintaining high power quality

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Efficient, Scalable, Intelligent Power
We are actively committed to environmental sustainability by designing critical digital infrastructure to address energy usage and efficiency and to support customers who want to transition to renewable energy sources.
Featured environmentally conscious products.

Our Solutions

Our Services

Lack of visibility into the imaging facilities' power system’s performance can lead to costly mistakes and business productivity loss. Vertiv Services can support the degree of services required to ensure the availability needed for critical systems. Check out the programs available to meet the needs of your operation.


The Power Assurance Package from Vertiv Services gives you a trusted partner and a complete, worry-free protection solution to assure uptime at your small or remote IT sites


Vertiv™ Life™ Services provides secure, remote monitoring by experts to provide early detection and response

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Having received and read this privacy notice on personal data processing (provided in accordance with Article 13 of EU Regulation 679/2016), I consent to:

The processing of my personal data for marketing purposes, including staying informed by email about industry trends, events, offers and product launches.

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