Closet di rete
Closet di rete personalizzati con le soluzioni globali di Vertiv.
Il vantaggio di Vertiv
Le soluzioni Vertiv nel campo dei closet di rete sono progettate per massimizzare flessibilità, scalabilità ed efficienza con design standard semplificati.
Grazie all’esperienza maturata con le famiglie di prodotti leader del settore SmartCabinet™, SmartRow™ DCR e SmartRow™ DCX, siamo in grado di progettare e implementare l’infrastruttura dei closet di rete nel giro di poche settimane all’interno dello spazio esistente, aumentando del 28% i risparmi energetici e fino al 60% la densità dei rack in modo semplice e senza compromessi indipendentemente dal numero di closet.
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Soluzioni globali Vertiv

È al tuo fianco dallo sviluppo dei requisiti iniziali fino all’esecuzione del progetto.

Crea applicazioni su misura, conservando al contempo i vantaggi di un processo ottimizzato.

Coniuga le competenze Vertiv e i partner specializzati in determinati settori per semplificare le sfide mission-critical.
Prodotti e servizi correlati
Vertiv™ VR Rack
Standardize your deployments around the world and bring them online faster with the Vertiv™ VR rack. The Vertiv™ VR supports a wide variety of equipment including servers, storage, switches, routers, PDUs, UPSs, console port servers and KVM switches.
Vertiv™ Liebert® GXT5 Lithium-Ion UPS 1000 - 3000 VA, 230V
The Vertiv™ Liebert® GXT5 Lithium-Ion double-conversion online UPS provides the highest level of power conditioning and power protection for critical business IT systems such as network equipment and business servers. This ensures that your mission-critical systems and applications are protected in the event of any utility power problems such as power surges or a complete loss of power.
Vertiv™ Geist™ Switched Rack PDU
Vertiv™ Geist™ Switched rack PDUs (rPDU) provide a comprehensive view of critical IT equipment power usage. Both at the rack and via remote access have the added ability to remotely turn on, turn off, or reboot power at each outlet. Switched rPDUs are available in a variety of electrical and receptacle configurations.
Vertiv™ Environet™ Alert
Vertiv™ Environet™ Alert provides industry companies with critical facility monitoring software that is affordable and easy to use. This solution delivers superior monitoring, alerting, trending and data organization capabilities for companies in such verticals as healthcare, financial services, government and more, helping them protect and grow their business. Customers get monitoring, alerting and trending at a price that’s right for their business.
Vertiv™ Geist™ Rack Transfer Switch
The Vertiv™ Geist™ Rack Transfer Switch (RTS) delivers redundant power to single corded devices. Two independent power inputs enables users to connect to a primary and secondary power source. The Vertiv™ Geist™ Rack Transfer Switch automatically detects the loss of power and switches the power load to the alternative power source in less than 4-8 milliseconds without the need for human intervention.
Vertiv Edge single phase UPS
Vertiv™ Edge is a family of highly reliable, efficient, manageable and flexible line interactive sinewave UPSs, with models ranging from 500VA to 3000VA in 1U, 2U, 3U, mini-tower, rack tower and rack-mount form factors (depending on model). With a high 0.9 power factor, controllable outlets and extended runtime options, Vertiv Edge is a cost-effective choice for protecting server and networking equipment in distributed and Edge IT applications.
Vertiv Geist Basic Rack PDU
Vertiv Basic rack PDUs (rPDU) provide reliable power distribution to critical IT equipment within a rack or cabinet. Basic rPDUs are available in a variety of electrical and receptacle configurations.
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