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Combining Air and Liquid: The Best Solutions for High Density Data Centers
Vertiv™ Liebert® DCD
The Vertiv Liebert® DCW chilled water-based cooling family was designed specifically for high heat density applications where the challenges of reducing energy consumption and increasing processing capabilities are the top priority for data center managers. By delivering cooling directly at the source, the DCD Rear Door Heat Exchanger provides a room-neutral environment, while the DCP Coolant Pumping Unit regulates the chilled water and ensures optimal cooling capacity for mission critical equipment.

Vertiv™ Liebert® AFC
The VertivTM Liebert® AFC is the Inverter Screw Chiller Range with Low-GWP Refrigerant from 650 to 2200 kW.
Liebert® AFC, as a result of its new low global warming potential (GWP) HFO refrigerant and inverter technology, offers a solution, aiming at significantly reducing direct and indirect CO2e emissions into the atmosphere, and limiting the carbon footprint of the data center.
Vertiv™ Liebert® PCW
The Vertiv™ Liebert® PCW is the Chilled Water Perimeter Unit from 25 to 400 kW Designed to Lead the Thermal Management Market for Chilled Water Perimeter Units to meet the demands of both raised and non-raised floor applications.
One unit and four key concepts: increasing the cooling density, maximizing the cooling continuity, setting new efficiency standards and perfectly adapting to each data centre configuration.
Liebert® PCW comes complete with the integrated Vertiv™ Liebert® iCOM™ smart control, which embeds a comprehensive algorithm library adjusting the airflow to the servers’ needs without wasting a single Watt on unnecessary cooling or air movement.
Vertiv™ Liebert® CWA
The Vertiv™ Liebert® CWA is the Chilled Water Thermal Wall Unit from 200 to 500 kW designed to rise the technology threshold of Chilled Water Air Handling Units for slab floor applications installed in the gallery side.
Liebert® CWA provides a ready-to-use Thermal Wall for data center applications. The product has been engineered to maximize the cooling density for unit footprint.
Furthermore, all the main components are factory installed, minimizing the installation costs on site.

Liquid Cooling Services
IT and Facility teams can leverage partner project services to prepare for onsite liquid cooling installation, commissioning and start-up.
Project Phases and Services include:
Navigating application design
Conducting offsite testing
Providing project management
Installing the new system
Starting up systems
Handing over the new system
Teams will also want to investigate ongoing services from equipment manufacturers to protect costly liquid cooling systems and ensure effective operations; such as conducting remote monitoring, managing fluids, performing preventive maintenance, and overseeing asset management.
The benefits of adding liquid cooling to your air-cooled facility

Liquid cooling can effectively manage up to and exceeding 120kw per rack
Learn More
Reduce total data center power consumption around 10.2%
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More than 15 percent improvement in total usage effectiveness (TUE)
Learn MoreTop Three Takeaways on Deploying Liquid Cooling
Here is high-level guidance any team can use to navigate the incremental addition of liquid cooling to air-cooled environments cooling infrastructure.
Vertiv Is Working Together with Leaders in the AI Industry
- Vertiv is a Solution Consultant Advisor partner in the NVIDIA Partner Network (NPN).
- NVIDIA and Vertiv have been collaborating in the latest liquid cooling technologies to enable cutting-edge chips to run effectively, such as in the US government funded COOLERCHIPS program.
- Vertiv has been partnering with Intel on liquid cooled solutions for their cutting-edge Gaudi®3 AI accelerator platform.
Additional Resources
Case Study: Colovore
Colovore deploys liquid cooling solution to offer customers rack capacities up to 50kW
Video: The Evolution of Liquid Cooling
With high-density computing on the rise, liquid cooling technologies are emerging as solutions to increase data center efficiency and sustainability.
Blog: Innovating Out Loud
Cooling Tomorrow’s Data Centers through Innovation and Collaboration NVIDIA collaborated with Vertiv™ and several industry leaders from universities, startups, and other vendors to propose a cooling system that helped NVIDIA and its partners secure a $5 million grant from the US government COOLERCHIPS program.
Press Release: Vertiv™ Acquisition of CoolTera Ltd. Boosts Liquid Cooling Portfolio
This deal will strengthen Vertiv’s capabilities to support the deployment of AI at scale.
Press Release: Vertiv™ Collaborates with Intel on Liquid Cooled Solution for the Intel® Gaudi®3 AI Accelerator Platform
Intel’s next generation AI accelerators will be supported by Vertiv liquid-cooled data center infrastructure solutions to help organizations accelerate AI adoption while achieving sustainability goals.